Witches and Shamans and Psychics Oh My!

When I started to grow as a conscious being / awakened / began ascending, I was a hot mess. Literally! There would be nights I didn't sleep for weeks. My vibrated. My head ached. My feet would be on fire and the sheets were soaked with sweat. No one around me had answers for what was happening to me. I had a toddler to care for. I couldn't live like this. I needed sleep! My child needed me to provide for her.

I searched the internet, but I didn't know what I was looking for. Words like Ascension, light body, astral, metaphysical, Empath, out of body experience, meant noting to me so how would I know to research them? I was soo hungry for answers. Fairs started to pop up all over the city. Some were called Health and Wellness Expos, or Spiritual Fairs. Ding! That was it! If a doctor didn't know what was wrong,  surely a psychic would! What I ended up finding was a whole world of trouble. This is when I found Satan.... I mean, my ex boyfriend.... I mean my healer. I talked about this a little in a previous post titled "You Are Not Christ Incarnate. You Are Not Archangel Michael. You Are Not a Shaman"

Psychics were somewhat helpful. What they weren't saying was more important than what they were saying. I could feel that they weren't telling me the whole story. I wanted them to say "you are an entity from another planet and that is why you never feel like you belong." This was a thought that I carried for a long time and I longed to have it said to me for confirmation. Once again, always looking to an outside source for confirmation. Never trusting Self. There is a beautiful soul that taught me how to find who I Am, who the universe intended for me to be, her name is Katie Indicrow. When I first had a session with her, I was confused. Why wasn't she offering to heal me? Why wasn't she reading my fortune? What was her Modality? Then following sessions were even better. I learned so much from her, from caring for my energy body to feeling emotions, to connecting with my guides and Higher Self.

Back to the title of this post, from fair #1, I felt off about this "community" I discovered. This city has a network of folks who make a living at fortunetelling or healing. My reoccurring thought (aka Angel Whisper) was "people should not be healing others. They should be teaching them how to heal themselves." And, today, I know this to be true. Why? My Self tells me so. NO ONE heals you. You heal yourself. NO ONES intuition is better than yours. You must guide yourself. An important ingredient in all this is connecting with loving people. There are great online communities that helped me find confidence in what I was feeling. No all are perfect, but discernment lead me to a great one called "We Are The Light". My mother, sister, brother, boss, and neighbour may not be going though the same spiritual journey as I am, but there ARE others who ARE. Much love everyone. <3


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