Blood Family Vs Soul Family

Today I received a message from a dear friend that packed a mean punch, but in the best way possible. It read, "You know I'd tell you if I thought you were fucked. I don't." A slew of memories flooded back from the past 5 years; ones of me cutting my attachments to my blood family and ones of me being persecuted for insanity.

I recently let go of my need to have my blood family accept me. It was painful, but I have faith that it was necessary. Being a solo parent of a 5 year old is not easy. It's even harder without the support of your family. I tried moving back to my hometown to get myself back on my feet mentally and  financially, but most importantly, I wanted my child to have loved ones around her. I longed for her to have more than "just" me as though somehow I was not enough. I dug deep and found this is not my thought. It was a story. It was a story put in my monkey brain by someone else.

A few weeks ago I moved, again. I move every 2 years on average. I now know, I go where I feel called. I once thought it was because I was looking for a place that felt like home (whatever that means). And according to my blood family, that makes me an unstable inconsiderate parent. It was necessary for my spiritual growth and for career advancement to move this time around. Moving to the city gives my child a sea of opportunities too.

A week before moving, without prompting, my child, out of nowhere, looked up from her Barbies and gave me a hug and said "You are the best mommie I could ever ask for." Last week she told me "You are all I need." These words sounded like they were gifts from heaven. You know how you can hear the same song everyday on the radio and sing along to it every time, but then one time, you really listen. It all just comes together.

Do you know what a leap it has been for me to write this blog? I had one dear friend by my side as I have been moving through Ascension and all the ups and downs. A beautiful soul who did not deem me psychotic or an unfit parent when I told her my child could read minds and I could feel vibrations from others emotions. She is a mermaid. I'm not energetically in-tuned enough with the other realms to know fully what that means, but just like how some people have fairy energy, she's my mermaid friend. I'm sure we've spent many past life together. She is my Soul Family.


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