My Washing Machine Is A Portal To Another Dimension. Are you Feeling Inadequate As a Parent of a Crystalline Child?

Tonight, as I was cuddling my child to sleep, I got frustrated. After 40 minutes of patiently letting her get her sillies out, I sternly said "That's enough. Head on your pillow and a deep breath. Time for sleep!" She replied "I'm going to put you into a portal and make you a nicer Mom!" "A portal? Now! What's that?" I said. Her response? "It's a door to another dimension. You know when our socks and underwear don't come out of the washer? It's because the washer is a portal to another dimension." Well......

It can be so intimidating being a parent of a child with a strong comprehension of the metaphysical. I read and research the topic. I practice daily energy clearing and grounding. However, my child was born with this knowledge. It's only now that she is 5 years old that little tidbits like this come out of her mouth. I tell her how and why I smudge. I recommend that she do it as well, but she firmly stated that she doesn't need to. And, you know what? I believe her. It's at times like these that I give my child the benefit of the doubt. It's more than that. My intuition tells me that what we know to be the truth today, we the adults here in 2017, is not the whole truth. Energy is shifting rapidly. The world is changing. Children are being born year after year with abilities and knowledge that many of us will never comprehend in our lifetime.

So, are you feeling inadequate as a parent of a Crystalline, Rainbow, or Rose child? By the way, these labels need to be addressed, but in another post. I am starting to get it. My role as a parent is just as awesome as my child's role on the new earth....... My brain has gone elsewhere as the fall equinox energies are still about. Stay tuned....


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